Understanding Utility Patents in India

by  Adv. Rupa Agrawal  




9 mins


Dive into the essentials of utility patents, their strategic importance for innovators, and the ongoing discussions about their potential evolution in India's IP laws.


Utility patents, essential for protecting technological innovations, play a pivotal role in India’s intellectual property landscape. These patents ensure exclusive rights to inventors, allowing them to capitalize on their inventions without the threat of unauthorized use. This introduction explores the definition of utility patents, their significance, and the current legal framework governing them in India.

Ready to protect your invention? Partner with our expert legal team to navigate India’s patent system efficiently. We specialize in utility patents and ensure your innovative ideas get the protection they deserve. Start your patent application today and safeguard your future innovations.

Definition and Significance of Utility Patents in India

Utility patents, known for safeguarding inventions that offer new functional aspects, are crucial for inventors and companies aiming to gain a competitive edge. In India, these patents are granted to inventions that demonstrate novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability, adhering to the stringent criteria set by the Indian Patents Act, 1970. The significance of utility patents extends beyond mere protection — they incentivize innovation and support economic growth by securing the inventor’s rights and potential market share.

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Overview of the Current Legal Landscape and Ongoing Discussions Around Utility Model Protection

The current Indian patent regime does not explicitly recognize ‘utility models’, which are considered a more flexible and less rigorous form of protection compared to traditional patents, often used to safeguard minor innovations. However, there has been ongoing debate and discussion regarding the introduction of utility models in India to bridge the gap for smaller innovations that may not meet the high threshold of traditional patents but still deserve legal protection. These discussions are driven by the need to foster a more inclusive environment for all types of innovations, potentially boosting local manufacturing and small-scale industries.

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Eligibility Criteria for Utility Patents in India

Essential Requirements: Novelty, Inventive Step, and Industrial Applicability

To qualify for a utility patent in India, an invention must meet three key criteria set by the Indian Patents Act, 1970:


An invention is considered novel if it has not been disclosed to the public in any form, anywhere in the world, before the date of the patent application. The novelty aspect ensures that the patent is awarded only to genuinely new innovations that are not already part of the public domain.

Inventive Step

An inventive step, or non-obviousness, means that the invention should not be obvious to a person skilled in the art. This criterion ensures that the invention represents a significant technological advancement over existing knowledge or products.

Industrial Applicability

For a utility patent, the invention must be capable of industrial application. This means it should be possible to use the invention in any kind of industry, indicating its practical utility and not just a theoretical concept.

Explanation of How Utility Differs from Other Forms of Patent Protection

Utility patents are distinct from other forms of intellectual property protection:

Compared to Design Patents

While utility patents protect the functional aspects of an invention, design patents safeguard the aesthetic aspects of an article. Design patents do not cover the object’s technical or utilitarian function.

Compared to Plant Patents

Plant patents are awarded to anyone who invents or discovers and asexually reproduces any distinct and new variety of plant. Utility patents, however, can cover a broad range of inventions including machines, manufactured articles, industrial processes, and chemical compositions.

The Unique Role of Utility Patents

Utility patents are particularly valuable for their role in protecting new technologies that drive innovation across various industries. They provide a strong incentive for companies and individuals to invest in research and development, knowing that their inventions can be protected from direct competition for a significant period of time.

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Utility Models as a Potential Solution

Concept of Utility Models: “Petty Patents” Focused on Incremental Innovations

Utility models, often referred to as “petty patents,” provide a form of intellectual property protection that is particularly suited to incremental innovations. These are less rigorous than traditional patents and typically have a shorter lifespan. Utility models are designed to protect small-scale improvements in existing products or processes, which may not qualify for standard patents due to their lack of a significant inventive step but still represent a useful advancement in their technical field.

Importance of Utility Models for Emerging Technologies

In sectors where technology evolves rapidly and products have shorter market lifecycles, utility models offer a quick and cost-effective way to secure temporary exclusive rights. This allows inventors and small businesses to safeguard their innovations without the extensive requirements and costs associated with traditional patents.

Comparison with Traditional Patents and the Advantages of Utility Models

Utility models differ from traditional patents in several key ways, each offering specific advantages to innovators:

Lower Requirements for Protection

Unlike traditional patents, which require a significant inventive step, utility models are accessible with a lower innovation threshold. This makes them ideal for modifications or improvements that might not be considered groundbreaking but still provide a competitive advantage.

Faster Protection and Reduced Costs

Utility models can be granted more quickly than traditional patents, often within months, providing immediate protection. This is advantageous for inventors seeking to capitalize on their innovations in fast-moving industries. Additionally, the application process is generally simpler and less expensive, reducing barriers for smaller inventors and startups.

Shorter Term of Protection

While traditional patents typically last up to 20 years, utility models have a shorter term, usually between 6 and 15 years, depending on the country. This shorter duration reflects the faster pace of innovation in certain industries, allowing for more frequent updates and improvements.

The Role of Utility Models in Fostering Innovation

By offering a streamlined and more accessible form of protection, utility models encourage a broader range of inventors to participate in the innovation process. They are particularly beneficial in countries with emerging economies, where small improvements can have significant industrial impacts. Additionally, utility models can serve as a stepping stone for inventors who may later seek full patent protection as their inventions develop.

Utility models represent a critical tool in the intellectual property system, offering a balance between fostering innovation and providing a fast, cost-effective method for protecting less revolutionary advancements. As discussions continue in India about incorporating utility models into the national IP strategy, their potential to enhance innovation and economic growth remains a focal point.

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The Application Process for a Utility Patent in India

Navigating the application process for a utility patent in India involves several crucial steps, from the initial patent search to the final filing. This process is designed to ensure that all inventions granted a patent meet the required legal standards for novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability.

Initial Patent Search

Before proceeding with a patent application, it is essential to conduct a thorough patent search. This search helps to determine if your invention is indeed novel or if it has been disclosed in the public domain.

Using the Right Resources

For conducting a patent search in India, inventors can utilize the Indian Patent Advanced Search System (InPASS), which allows detailed searches through Indian patent records using various criteria such as application date, patent number, and title.

Preparing the Application

Once the patent search confirms that the invention is likely novel, the next step is to prepare the application. This involves several key documents.

Form 1: Application for Grant of Patent

This form serves as the cover sheet for your patent application and includes basic information about the applicant and the invention.

Form 2: Provisional/Complete Specification

Depending on the stage of your invention, you may file either a provisional or complete specification. A provisional specification is filed when the invention is not yet finalized, which provides the inventor with 12 months to complete the invention and submit a complete specification.

Form 3: Statement and Undertaking Under Section 8

This form requires the applicant to disclose details of any foreign patent applications for the same invention.

Form 5: Declaration of Inventorship

This form identifies the true and first inventor(s) of the invention and must be filed if the applicant is not the inventor.

Form 26: Power of Attorney

If the application is being filed by a patent agent, a power of attorney signed by the applicant and accepted by the agent must be included.

Form 18: Request for Examination

The patent office only examines applications upon request. Filing this form triggers the examination process, which is crucial for the patent’s grant.

Filing the Application

After preparing all the documents, the application can be submitted either online through the Indian Patent Office’s official website or physically at one of its branches.

Online Submission

The Indian Patent Office provides an online portal for the electronic filing of patent applications, which is efficient and faster.

Physical Submission

Applicants can also submit their applications in person at any of the Patent Office’s branches in Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, and New Delhi.

Post-Filing Procedures

After the application is filed, it undergoes formal and substantive examination where various aspects such as patentability criteria and adherence to the specifications are checked.

Examination Report

If objections are raised in the examination report, the applicant will have an opportunity to respond and amend the application to overcome these objections. This dialogue can be crucial in determining whether a patent will be granted.

Grant of Patent

If the application meets all criteria and objections are successfully addressed, the patent will be granted. The grant is then published in the Patent Office Journal, officially securing the inventor’s patent rights.

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Drafting the Utility Patent Application in India

A well-drafted patent application is crucial for securing a utility patent. It must clearly and concisely convey the details of the invention, ensuring that it meets the criteria of novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability. Below is a guide to the essential components of a patent application and tips for effectively capturing the invention’s utility and inventiveness.

Important Components of the Patent Application


The description should provide a detailed disclosure of the invention, enabling anyone skilled in the art to both understand and replicate the invention. It should start with a field of the invention and proceed with a background that addresses existing problems and how the invention provides a solution.


The claims define the scope of the patent protection and are arguably the most critical part of the patent application. Each claim must be clear, specific, and supported by the description. It should distinctly state what the invention is and the utility it provides.


The abstract summarizes the disclosure in the patent application, highlighting key aspects of the invention and its utility. While it does not provide legal protection, it helps others understand the patent’s core focus.


Drawings or diagrams are essential for illustrating the invention’s components and functionality. They should be clear, labeled, and detailed enough to complement the written description and claims.

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Tips for Effectively Capturing the Utility and Inventiveness of the Application

Focus on the Novelty

Highlight the novel aspects of your invention. Ensure that the description and claims clearly differentiate your invention from existing technologies. It’s important to focus on the features that make your invention new and not obvious to someone with knowledge and experience in the field.

Use Clear and Concise Language

Avoid overly technical jargon or vague terminologies. The language should be accessible to experts in the field but also precise enough to avoid ambiguity. Clarity in the writing will help prevent misinterpretations and strengthen your claims.

Detail the Inventive Step

Explain the inventive step clearly. Demonstrate how your invention improves upon or differs from existing solutions. Discuss the problem it solves and how it does so in a way that would not be obvious to others in the field.

Include Comprehensive Drawings

Ensure that drawings are detailed and clearly labeled, as they visually convey the inventive aspects of your application. They should support the written parts of the application, particularly the description and claims.

Anticipate Challenges to Patentability

Address potential objections to patentability in your application. This includes demonstrating the industrial applicability of your invention and explaining why it qualifies for a patent under current laws.

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Examination Process of Utility Patents in India

Securing a utility patent in India involves a thorough examination process by the Indian Patent Office. This examination is crucial to ensure that the invention meets all legal requirements of novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability. Understanding this process can significantly enhance the chances of your patent being granted.

Steps Involved in the Examination by the Indian Patent Office

Filing of Request for Examination

The examination process does not begin automatically after filing a patent application. The applicant must explicitly request an examination by filing Form 18, typically within 48 months from the priority date or the filing date, whichever is earlier.

First Examination Report (FER) Issuance

Once the examination request is filed, the patent application is queued for examination. The assigned examiner reviews the application in detail to assess compliance with the Patents Act. The findings are summarized in the First Examination Report (FER), which lists any objections that need to be addressed by the applicant.

Response to the FER

The applicant must respond to the FER within a stipulated time frame, usually within six months from the date of issuance, which can be extended by another three months. This response should address all the objections raised by the examiner and may include amendments to the claims or descriptions to comply with the patent law.

Hearing with the Examiner

If the examiner finds the response insufficient or if the applicant requests it, an oral hearing can be scheduled. This is an opportunity to discuss the objections directly and provide clarifications or additional documents that support the patentability of the invention.

Grant or Refusal

The examiner makes a decision based on the response and possibly the oral hearing. If all objections are satisfactorily resolved, the patent is granted. Otherwise, the application might be refused, and the applicant has the option to appeal the decision.

Role of the First Examination Report (FER) and How to Address Objections

Understanding the Importance of FER

The FER is a critical document in the Indian patent process. It essentially determines the fate of a patent application, as it contains all substantive objections that could hinder the patent’s granting. Understanding and effectively addressing these objections is crucial.

Strategies for Addressing Objections

  • Amend Claims: Often, objections arise due to the scope of the claims being too broad or overlapping with prior art. Narrowing the claims to more specifically define the inventive step can help overcome such objections.
  • Provide Additional Data: If the examiner questions the novelty or inventive step, providing additional data or evidence that demonstrates the invention’s effectiveness can be persuasive.
  • Clarify Ambiguities: Sometimes, objections are due to misunderstandings or ambiguities in the application. Clarifying these points can resolve objections without needing substantial changes to the application.

Legal Assistance

It’s often beneficial to work with a patent attorney who can help interpret the FER’s objections and craft a legally robust response that effectively addresses the examiner’s concerns.

The examination process for utility patents in India is rigorous and designed to ensure that only truly novel, inventive, and industrially applicable inventions are protected. Understanding and navigating this process effectively can greatly increase the likelihood of securing patent protection.

The Debate on Introducing Utility Models in India

Background on the Absence of a Utility Model Framework in Current Indian Patent Law

Current State of Indian Patent Law

India’s patent system, as governed by the Patents Act of 1970, currently does not recognize utility models—often termed ‘petty patents’—which are designed to protect minor inventions with a shorter commercial lifespan than those covered by traditional patents. The absence of a utility model framework reflects the stringent criteria for patentability in India, which requires inventions to meet high thresholds of novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability.

International Comparison

Unlike India, several other countries, including Germany, Japan, and China, have successfully incorporated utility models into their intellectual property systems. These models cater specifically to less groundbreaking innovations that nonetheless require some level of protection to encourage grassroots innovation and economic development.

Discussion on the Potential Benefits and Challenges of Introducing Utility Models, Particularly for SMEs

Potential Benefits

  • Enhanced Protection for Minor Innovations: Introducing utility models could fill the existing gap by providing legal protection for smaller, incremental innovations that do not qualify for traditional patents but are vital for technological advancement and competition.
  • Economic Incentives for SMEs: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) could benefit significantly from a utility model system, as it would offer a faster, cost-effective means of securing intellectual property rights. This is particularly crucial for SMEs that may lack the resources to engage in the lengthy and expensive patenting process but still need to safeguard their innovations.
  • Stimulation of Local Innovation: With easier access to protection, local inventors and businesses might be encouraged to increase their research and development activities, fostering a culture of innovation within India’s burgeoning economy.


  • Risk of Over-Protection: One concern about introducing utility models is the potential for over-protection of minor modifications, which could lead to a cluttered intellectual property landscape and hinder rather than help innovation.
  • Enforcement and Litigation Issues: There could also be challenges related to the enforcement of rights granted under utility models, including increased litigation due to the lower threshold for protection, potentially straining judicial resources.
  • Balancing Act: Establishing a utility model system would require careful balancing to ensure that it does not undermine the value of full patents or overly complicate the intellectual property system.

Moving Forward

The debate continues on how best to integrate utility models into the Indian legal framework, with considerations for both the potential economic benefits and the practical challenges. Discussions at policy levels, informed by success stories from other countries and input from local industries, will play a crucial role in determining whether and how utility models should be adopted in India.

This ongoing dialogue is critical as India seeks to enhance its innovation ecosystem and provide more comprehensive support for its inventors, particularly those within SMEs who are often at the forefront of incremental but impactful technological advancements.

Maintenance and Enforcement of Utility Patents in India

Maintenance Requirements, Fees, and Duration of Patent Protection

Patent Maintenance Requirements

Maintaining a utility patent in India involves periodic payments to ensure that the patent remains in force. These payments, known as patent renewal fees or annuities, must be paid at the Indian Patent Office at regular intervals.

Fees and Payment Schedule

  • Initial Fees: Fees for filing, examination, and other procedural steps are required during the patent application process.
  • Renewal Fees: Renewal fees must be paid annually starting in the third year after the patent is granted. The fees generally increase progressively over the patent’s life.

Duration of Patent Protection

The standard term of a utility patent in India is 20 years from the date of filing the application, provided that renewal fees are paid regularly. This duration is consistent with international standards, providing a substantial period for patent holders to capitalize on their intellectual property.

Legal Avenues for Enforcing Utility Patents and Dealing with Infringement

Monitoring for Infringement

Patent holders are responsible for monitoring their markets to identify any potential infringement of their patents. This proactive approach is necessary because the Patent Office does not enforce patents—it only grants them.

Steps to Address Infringement

  • Cease and Desist Letters: Initially, a patent holder might send a cease and desist letter to the infringer, providing them with a formal notice of the infringement and requesting that they stop their unauthorized activities.
  • Negotiation and Licensing: If appropriate, the patent holder can negotiate a licensing agreement, allowing the infringer to legally use the invention in exchange for royalties.
  • Litigation: If informal resolutions fail, the patent holder may file a lawsuit in a civil court to seek an injunction to stop the infringement and possibly claim damages.

Legal Enforcement

Enforcing a patent legally involves proving that the infringement occurred and that it violates the patent’s specific claims. This process can be complex and usually requires the assistance of legal professionals specializing in intellectual property law.

Strategies for Effective Patent Enforcement

  • Regular Patent Audits: Conducting regular audits can help ensure that all potential infringements are identified and addressed promptly.
  • Legal Preparedness: Maintaining readiness with legal counsel can expedite the enforcement process when an infringement occurs.
  • Public Awareness: Educating the public and industry about the existence and scope of your patent can deter potential infringers and encourage respect for IP rights.

Maintaining and enforcing utility patents is crucial for maximizing their value and ensuring that inventors receive the benefits of their innovations. While maintaining a patent is relatively straightforward and involves periodic fees, enforcement can be challenging and often requires strategic legal action.

Global Perspectives and Policy Considerations

How Other Countries Implement Utility Models and Lessons for India

Implementation of Utility Models Globally

Utility models, sometimes referred to as “petty patents,” are implemented in various countries to protect minor inventions that might not meet the stringent requirements of traditional patents. Countries like Germany, Japan, and South Korea utilize utility models to encourage local innovation and support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These models offer a faster, less expensive registration process and typically have a shorter protection term, usually between 10 and 15 years.

Lessons for India

  • Simplified Application Process: Countries with utility model systems often have simplified application procedures that reduce the cost and complexity of obtaining protection.
  • Balanced Protection Term: The shorter term of protection reflects the faster pace of innovation in certain industries, which could be beneficial for India’s rapidly growing tech sectors.
  • Focused Eligibility Criteria: By focusing on incremental improvements, utility models in these countries effectively support SMEs in enhancing existing products or technologies without the need for groundbreaking inventions.

Policy Proposals for Integrating Utility Models into the Indian IP Ecosystem to Enhance Innovation

Proposal Framework

  • Introduction of Utility Models: Propose the introduction of utility models into the Indian patent system through amendments to the Patents Act, aiming to include protections for smaller, incremental innovations.
  • Eligibility and Requirements: Define specific eligibility criteria that differentiate utility models from traditional patents, such as lower thresholds for inventive step and industrial applications.

Enhancing SME Support

  • Reduced Costs and Processing Times: To make IP protection more accessible to SMEs, implement reduced fees and expedited processing for utility model applications.
  • Promotion of Local Innovation: Encourage innovation at the grassroots level by providing practical incentives for local inventors and startups to protect their inventions.

Legislative and Regulatory Adjustments

  • Clear Legal Framework: Develop a clear legal framework that outlines the scope, rights, and limitations of utility models, ensuring they complement the existing patent system without causing unnecessary overlap.
  • Public Awareness and Education: Launch initiatives to educate inventors and businesses about the benefits of utility models and how to utilize them effectively.

International Cooperation

  • Learning from Best Practices: Engage in international cooperation to learn from the successes and challenges faced by other countries with established utility model systems. Adapt these lessons to fit India’s unique economic and technological landscape.

Implementing utility models in India could significantly impact the country’s innovation landscape by making it easier for inventors and small businesses to obtain and leverage IP rights. By studying global practices and tailoring policy proposals to local needs, India can foster a more inclusive and dynamic environment for innovation.

Maximize the potential of your intellectual property with our comprehensive patent strategy services. From detailed patent searches to drafting and filing, our experienced attorneys guide you at every step. With our expert assistance, ensure your utility patents are robust and enforceable.


Introducing utility models into India’s patent system could catalyze innovation, especially among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), by providing a cost-effective and less rigorous alternative to traditional patents. Tailoring this system to accommodate incremental inventions can fill a vital gap in intellectual property protection, fostering economic growth and encouraging grassroots innovation. 

By learning from international practices and carefully crafting policies that address local needs, India can enhance its competitive edge in the global marketplace and support its burgeoning innovation ecosystem.

FAQs on Utility Patents in India

Q1. What is a utility patent in India?
Ans1. A utility patent in India is granted to inventions that demonstrate novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability, protecting the functional aspects of the invention for a term of 20 years from the filing date. This type of patent incentivizes innovation by securing the inventor’s rights to commercially exploit their invention without unauthorized use.

Q2. How does India’s patent system differ from utility model protection?
Ans2. India’s patent system requires inventions to meet high thresholds for novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability, and does not currently recognize utility models, which protect minor inventions with simpler, cost-effective measures. Utility models, common in countries like Germany and Japan, offer protection for incremental innovations that may not qualify for traditional patents.

Q3. What are the benefits of introducing utility models in India?
Ans3. Introducing utility models in India could provide significant benefits, including fostering innovation at the grassroots level, supporting SMEs by offering a cost-effective way to protect incremental improvements, and enhancing the overall competitiveness of India’s technological sectors.

Q4. What is the process for applying for a utility patent in India?
Ans4. The process for applying for a utility patent in India involves conducting a patentability search, preparing and filing the application with necessary forms like Form 1 and Form 2, requesting examination of the application using Form 18, and responding to any objections raised in the First Examination Report (FER).

Q5. What are the maintenance requirements for a utility patent in India?
Ans5. Maintaining a utility patent in India involves paying renewal fees annually starting from the third year of the patent being granted. This is essential to keep the patent active for its full term of 20 years, ensuring the patent holder can continue to exclude others from exploiting the patented invention commercially.

Q6. How can a utility patent be enforced in India?
Ans6. Enforcing a utility patent in India typically involves monitoring for potential infringements, sending cease and desist letters to infringers, negotiating licensing agreements if applicable, and possibly pursuing litigation to seek an injunction and damages for unauthorized use.

Q7. What are the key differences between utility patents and design patents in India?
Ans7. Utility patents in India protect the functional aspects of an invention, requiring novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability. In contrast, design patents safeguard the aesthetic appearance of a product, focusing on its visual characteristics rather than functional features.

Q8. What steps should be taken if a utility patent is infringed upon in India?
Ans8. If a utility patent is infringed upon in India, the patent holder should first issue a cease and desist letter to the infringer. If this does not resolve the issue, the next steps include negotiating a settlement or licensing agreement, and if necessary, filing a lawsuit to enforce the patent rights through the judicial system.

Q9. How do utility model protections benefit small and medium enterprises (SMEs)?
Ans9. Utility model protections benefit SMEs by providing a cost-effective and faster alternative for protecting inventions. This system enables SMEs to secure rights for their incremental innovations without the extensive costs and procedural complexities associated with traditional patents, facilitating quicker entry to the market.

Q10. What are the challenges of integrating utility models into the Indian IP ecosystem?
Ans10. Integrating utility models into the Indian IP ecosystem poses challenges such as potential over-protection of minor modifications, increased litigation due to lower thresholds for protection, and the need for a balanced legal framework that prevents these models from undermining traditional patents while still encouraging innovation.

Ready to secure your invention's future? Contact us today for expert guidance on patent filing. Whether you're looking to protect a groundbreaking innovation or a small-scale improvement, our team is here to help you navigate the complexities of the patent application process efficiently. Get started now and ensure your intellectual property is protected with the best legal expertise in the field.

Adv. Rupa Agrawal

Adv. Rupa Agrawal


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Advocate Rupa Agrawal, with over 9 years of independent practice, specialises in providing legal expertise, advice and guidance to a broad range of customers. Having been practising law independently for several years after doing her B.A. LLB from Bangalore University and PGDM from the National Institute of Personnel Management.

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