How to Create a Power of Attorney as an OCI While Visiting India?

by  Adv. Praneeth GN  




4 mins


Power of Attorney For OCI during India Visit

As an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI), managing legal affairs while visiting India requires careful consideration. One essential legal document often needed is the Power of Attorney (POA). This comprehensive guide walks you through the process of creating a POA during your visit to India, ensuring you navigate the legal landscape effectively.

Understanding Power of Attorney for OCIs

A Power of Attorney grants authority to an individual (the attorney or agent) to act on behalf of the OCI in various legal matters. This includes property transactions, financial decisions, and legal affairs in India. OCIs must understand the nuances of POA to empower trusted representatives to manage their interests effectively.

Types of Power of Attorney for OCIs

General Power of Attorney (GPA): Provides broad authority to the agent to manage diverse affairs on behalf of the OCI.

Specific Power of Attorney: Limits the agent’s authority to specific tasks, ensuring focused delegation of powers.

Property Power of Attorney: Tailored for real estate transactions, authorizing the agent to handle property-related matters.

Limited Power of Attorney: Similar to Specific POA but may cover a broader spectrum of tasks beyond a single duty.

Empower Your Legal Affairs in India. Our specialized services in Power of Attorney drafting and registration ensure your legal affairs in India are managed without you having to be physically present.

Creating a Power of Attorney as an OCI in India

Visiting India as an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) is an enriching experience, but sometimes life throws curveballs that require your attention back home. Power of Attorney (PoA) comes to the rescue, allowing you to empower someone trustworthy to handle your affairs in your absence. But the process can seem daunting. Worry not, fellow OCI! This guide simplifies creating a PoA while you’re in India.

1. Draft the PoA document:

  • You can find standard PoA templates online or consult a lawyer for a customized document.
  • Ensure the document clearly states:
    • Your details (name, address, OCI card number)
    • Details of the attorney you’re appointing (name, address, relationship)
    • Specific powers granted to the attorney (financial, property-related, etc.)
    • Validity period of the PoA
    • Your signature and date

2. Get the document notarized:

  • Locate a notary public near your current location in India.
  • Sign the document in the presence of the notary.
  • The notary will verify your identity and witness your signature, adding their seal and signature.

3. Attestation by Indian Embassy/Consulate:

  • Visit the nearest Indian Embassy or Consulate in India.
  • Submit the original PoA, a photocopy, and your OCI card photocopy.
  • Pay any applicable fees.
  • The Embassy/Consulate will verify the document and signatures before attesting it.

4. Additional requirements:

  • Witnesses: You might need two witnesses who are not immediate family members to sign the document before the notary. Their IDs need to be notarized too.
  • Apostille: If you’re not an Indian citizen or the PoA was created outside India, you might need an apostille from the State Department before submitting it to the Embassy/Consulate. OCI cardholders are usually exempt from this requirement.
  • Registration: Depending on the PoA’s purpose (e.g., property transactions), you might need to register it with the relevant authority in India (e.g., Land Department) after returning to your home country.

Immediate Legal Support for OCIs. Our expert team is ready to assist you with fast and reliable Power of Attorney drafting and registration services tailored for OCIs.

Format for a Power of Attorney by an OCI holder while visiting India

 Grantor Details: 

– Full Name of the Grantor (OCI Holder): [Your Full Name]

– OCI Registration Number: [OCI Registration Number]

– Address: [Your Address]

– Passport Details: [Passport Number, Date of Issue, Place of Issue]

– Contact Information: [Your Phone Number, Email Address]

 Appointment of Attorney :

– Full Name of the Attorney: [Attorney’s Full Name]

– Relationship to the Grantor (if any): [Relationship, if applicable]

– Address: [Attorney’s Address]

– Contact Information: [Attorney’s Phone Number, Email Address]

Scope of Authority: 

I, [Your Full Name], hereby grant [Attorney’s Full Name] the authority to act on my behalf in all matters related to property transactions, financial dealings, legal proceedings, and any other specific tasks that may arise during my absence from India.

Duration of Authority:

This Power of Attorney shall remain valid until [Date] or until revoked by me in writing.

Notary Public Attestation:

I hereby affirm that the contents of this Power of Attorney are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Witness Details:

– Names of Witnesses: [Name of Witness 1], [Name of Witness 2]

– Addresses: [Address of Witness 1], [Address of Witness 2]

– Signatures: [Signature of Witness 1], [Signature of Witness 2]

Execution Date:

Date of Execution: [Date]


I, [Your Full Name], do hereby authorize and empower [Attorney’s Full Name] to act on my behalf as described in this Power of Attorney.


Signature of the Grantor: _______________________________

[Your Signature]


Notary Public Seal and Signature: [Notary Public Seal and Signature]

Key Considerations for OCIs Creating POA in India

Legal Compliance: Adhere to Indian laws and regulations regarding POA creation and execution.

Risk Mitigation: Mitigate risks by carefully selecting a trusted representative and clearly defining the scope of authority in the POA.

Due Diligence: Conduct thorough due diligence on the agent before granting power to ensure reliability and trustworthiness.

Loan Repayment and Obligations: Understand the implications of granting authority related to loan agreements and repayment obligations.

Secure Your Interests in India Today. Are you an OCI planning to manage your assets or legal matters in India? Take the first step towards securing your interests with our expert Power of Attorney drafting and registration services.


In summary, creating a Power of Attorney as an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) while visiting the country is crucial for managing affairs back home. By following legal procedures and seeking professional advice, OCI holders can delegate decision-making authority effectively. With a well-drafted document, they can manage their interests in India conveniently from abroad.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to make Power of Attorney by OCI while visiting India

Q1. Can an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) create a Power of Attorney while visiting India?

Ans1. Yes, OCI holders can create a Power of Attorney during their visit to India to manage their affairs in the country.

Q2. What documents are required to make a Power of Attorney as an OCI in India?

Ans2. Generally, you’ll need valid identification documents, such as your OCI card, passport, and proof of address, along with the details of the appointed attorney.

Q3. Does the Power of Attorney need to be notarized or registered in India?

Ans3. Notarization and registration requirements may vary based on the specific circumstances and the jurisdiction where the document will be used. It’s advisable to consult legal experts for guidance.

Q4. Can an OCI holder appoint anyone as their attorney in India?

Ans4. Yes, an OCI holder has the freedom to choose any trusted individual as their attorney to act on their behalf in India.

Q5. What powers can be granted through a Power of Attorney made by an OCI in India?

Ans5. The powers granted can vary based on the specific requirements outlined in the document. They can include managing property, financial transactions, legal matters, and more.

Q6. Is it necessary for the OCI holder to be physically present in India to execute the Power of Attorney?

Ans6. Yes, typically, the OCI holder needs to be physically present in India to execute the Power of Attorney, although certain exceptions may apply based on local laws and regulations.

Q7. Can an OCI holder revoke the Power of Attorney created in India?

Ans7. Yes, an OCI holder retains the right to revoke the Power of Attorney at any time, provided they follow the legal procedures for revocation.

Q8. How long is a Power of Attorney created by an OCI valid in India?

Ans8. The validity period of the Power of Attorney depends on various factors and can be specified in the document itself. It’s essential to review the terms and conditions outlined in the document for clarity on its duration.

Q9. Are there any specific restrictions or considerations for OCI holders regarding the creation of a Power of Attorney in India?

Ans9. OCI holders should be aware of any relevant legal requirements, such as stamp duty regulations, jurisdictional differences, and potential limitations on certain powers granted through the document.

Q10. Where can OCI holders seek assistance in creating a Power of Attorney in India?

Ans10. OCI holders can consult legal professionals, attorneys, or specialized agencies with expertise in drafting and executing Power of Attorney documents in India for guidance and assistance.

Don't Wait: Take Charge of Your Affairs Today with OCI Power of Attorney Creation!

Adv. Praneeth GN

Adv. Praneeth GN


4.8 | 85+ User Reviews

Praneeth GN is a legal consultant who prioritises ethical and professional conduct. He graduated with (B.A. and LL.B) from the K.L.E. Society Law College. With more than 8 years of experience in handling legal cases independently. He has the potential to understand and explain complicated legal words in simple terms to clients.

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