An Explainer on Home Building Insurance

by  Adv. Rupa K.N  




3 mins


home building insurance


Home building insurance pays for the cost of repairing or rebuilding your house if it is damaged or destroyed. It’s normally required if you want to purchase a property with a mortgage, and you might not be able to acquire one until you have home-building insurance.

What exactly is Home Building Insurance?

Home building insurance will cover the expense of restoring damage to your property’s structure. Garages, sheds, and fencing are also included, as are the costs of repairing pipes, wires, and drains.

Your insurance company should pay the whole cost of reconstructing your home. This covers demolition, site clearing, and architectural fees. Home building insurance often protects against loss or damage caused by the following:

  • theft, attempted theft, and vandalism fire,
  • explosion, storms, floods, earthquakes
  • frozen and broken pipes
  • Vehicle or airplane crashes
  • caused by falling trees, lampposts, aerials, or
  • satellite dishes.

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Do you require Home-Building Insurance?

If you own a home

Home building insurance will be required as a precondition of a mortgage and must be adequate to cover the outstanding mortgage balance. Your lender should provide you with a selection of insurers or enable you to select one on your own. They can refuse your insurer of choice, but they cannot force you to take their own insurance plan unless your mortgage package contains insurance.

When you exchange contracts on the house, you need to have structural insurance. If you sell a house, you are responsible for maintaining it until the transaction is done, so keep your insurance coverage in place until then. If your mortgage lender seizes your house, you must insure it until it is sold, and you must notify your insurers that you are no longer residing there; otherwise, you may be denied coverage.

If you do not own a home

Home building insurance is not required. However, it is recommended. Consider how you would pay to rebuild your home if it was damaged or destroyed.

If you have a lease

Your lease may require that you have building insurance with a certain insurer, or the leaseholder may get coverage and charge you for it.

If you are renting a home

Although your landlord is normally responsible for insurance, you may be held liable for damage or loss to furnishings and fittings. This may be covered by your household contents insurance. 

How much Home-Building Insurance do you require?

It is critical to ensure that you insure yourself for the expense of entirely rebuilding your property. This is known as the sum insured. The cost of reconstructing your home is not the same as the amount you bought for it or its current market worth if you sold it. Rebuild expenses are often less than current market worth, so be sure you are not over or underinsured.

A Construction Cost Information Service online calculator is available on the Association of British Insurers’ website to assist you in calculating the cost of reconstructing your house.

Some insurers provide limitless coverage, which eliminates the need to calculate rebuild costs. However, if you already know what they are, it may be less expensive to look around for the coverage that meets your particular requirements.

Some plans calculate the insured amount based on a broad evaluation of where you reside as well as the kind and age of your house. However, this may not apply to your specific property, so you must determine if you have adequate coverage.

If your home has unique characteristics, such as a thatched roof or a listed structure, you can pay for a study from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors to estimate rebuild costs.

Do you require Additional Home-Building Insurance?

You might wish to consider purchasing additional home-building insurance to protect yourself from potential threats. This coverage will need you to pay greater rates. Quick and easy property consultation can help you give clarity. You may purchase additional insurance for:

  • If you reside in a high-risk location, you may experience flooding or subsidence.
  • accidental damage to your house
  • alternative housing if you are forced to leave your home after filing a claim
  • damage to boundary walls, fences, gates, driveways, and swimming pools
  • Underground pipe, cable, gas, and electrical supply damage
  • glassware in windows, doors, conservatories, and skylights
  • liability insurance in the event that somebody else’s property is also damaged
  • legal fees insurance

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Home Warranty vs. Homeowners Insurance

While the names seem similar, home building insurance and house warranties are not the same. A house warranty is a contract that covers repairs or replacements of home systems and equipment such as ovens, water heaters, washers/dryers, and pools.

These contracts typically expire after a certain amount of time, generally 12 months, and are not required for a homeowner to purchase in order to qualify for a mortgage. A house warranty addresses difficulties and problems caused by inadequate maintenance or natural wear and tear on items—situations where homeowners insurance does not apply.

Mortgage Insurance vs. Homeowners Insurance

Home building insurance coverage is not the same as mortgage insurance. Mortgage insurance is often required by the bank or mortgage company for purchasers who put down less than 20% of the purchase price. It is also required by the Federal Housing Administration for anyone applying for an FHA loan.

It is an additional cost that can be incorporated into recurring mortgage payments or levied as a lump amount when the mortgage is granted.

 Mortgage insurance protects the lender against the additional risk of a house buyer who does not match the standard mortgage standards. Mortgage insurance would reimburse if the buyer failed to make payments. While both are concerned with dwellings, homeowners’ insurance covers the homeowner, and mortgage insurance also protects the lender. Get online advice to find out more.

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A typical home building insurance policy covers four types of accidents on the insurance policy: interior damage, outside damage, loss or damage to personal assets/belongings, and injury while on the property.

When a claim is made on any of these incidents, the homeowner will be asked to pay a deductible, which is effectively the insured’s out-of-pocket expenditures. The coverage often covers interior and exterior damage, loss or damage to personal goods, and injury that occurs on the property.

You might wish to consider purchasing additional home-building insurance to protect yourself from potential threats. Get advice from an expert today.

Adv. Rupa K.N

Adv. Rupa K.N


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Advocate Rupa K.N, with over 24 years of independent practice, specialises in providing legal expertise, advice and guidance to a broad range of customers. Having been practising law independently for several years after doing her B.A. LLB from Bangalore University and PGDM from the National Institute of Personnel Management.

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