How To Send Legal Notice to a Government Officer Or Employee

by  Adv. Priyanka Sampathy  




7 mins


Section 80 Notices for Government Matters

Legal notices are powerful tools in the realm of Indian law, and Section 80 of The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 introduces a specific framework for notices addressed to the government or public officers. Let’s delve into the intricacies of Section 80 notices, their essentials, and why they hold a pivotal role in legal proceedings.

Overview of Section 80:

Section 80 of The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 mandates issuing a legal notice to the government or a public officer before initiating legal action against them. The primary purpose is to grant the concerned authority an opportunity to reevaluate their legal stance and resolve the matter without court intervention.

Embarking on Legal Action Against the Government? Trust Our Experts for Section 80 Notices!

Essentials of Section 80 Notices:

For a Section 80 notice to be valid, it must include:

1. Name, description, and place of residence of the sender: Identifying the sender of the notice.

2. Statement of cause of action: Providing details about the issue or grievance that forms the basis of the notice.

3. The relief claimed by the sender of the notice: Stating the specific remedy or compensation sought by the sender.

4. Summary of the legal basis for the relief claimed: Outlining the legal grounds supporting the claims made in the notice.

People Also Read: How to Draft and Send a Legal Notice Without Hiring a Lawyer

Importance of Section 80 Notices:

1. Advancement of Justice: The fundamental objective of Section 80 is to promote justice and public good by discouraging unnecessary litigation.

2. Avoidance of Unnecessary Disputes: By serving a Section 80 notice, the sender aims to resolve the matter amicably and avoid unnecessary disputes in court.

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How to Draft a Section 80 Notice:

1. Consult an Advocate: Seeking legal advice ensures the notice is correctly drafted and adheres to legal formalities.

2. Clearly State the Cause of Action: Articulate the issue clearly, providing all relevant details to establish the grounds for legal action.

3. Specify Relief Sought: Clearly state the remedy or compensation sought to facilitate a focused response from the recipient.

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Procedure for Filing a Section 80 Notice:

1. Consult with an Advocate: Find an advocate well-versed in drafting legal notices and familiar with the specifics of Section 80.

2. Provide Detailed Information: Furnish your advocate with comprehensive details about the issue, including names, addresses, and a clear timeline of events.

3. Drafting the Notice: The advocate will draft the notice, ensuring it complies with Section 80 requirements.

4. Sending the Notice: The notice is typically sent via registered post with acknowledgement due, ensuring a documented record of delivery.

Unravelling the Legal Notice Process: A Section 80 CPC Format

When contemplating legal action against the Government or a public officer in India, serving a legal notice under Section 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 (CPC) is a crucial preliminary step. This guide provides a step-by-step Formatnstration of the process.

Step 1: Advocate Consultation

1. Engage an Experienced Advocate: Choose a legal professional well-versed in civil procedures and governmental affairs.

2. Detailed Discussion: Provide all relevant details to the advocate, including the nature of the claim, names, addresses, and the specific act of the government or public officer.

Step 2: Advocate’s Examination

1. Thorough Review: The advocate carefully examines the provided information, ensuring that it aligns with the requirements of Section 80 CPC.

2. Identify Key Points: Essential points related to the cause of action, relief sought, and legal basis are identified.

Step 3: Legal Notice Drafting

1. Precise Legal Language: The advocate drafts the legal notice using precise and legally sound language, incorporating the mandatory elements outlined in Section 80 CPC.

2. Statement of Cause of Action: Clearly state the cause of action, and relief claimed, and provide a summary of the legal basis for the relief.

Step 4: Signing and Sending the Notice

1. Dual Signatures: Both the advocate and the client sign the legal notice, emphasizing the seriousness of the matter.

2. Registered AD Dispatch: The notice is sent through Registered AD post to the concerned public officer or government entity, ensuring an acknowledgement of receipt.

Step 5: FollowUp

1. Awaiting Response: The advocate awaits a response from the government or public officer after they receive the legal notice.

2. Initiating Legal Action: If the matter is not resolved within the stipulated time frame, the advocate proceeds with initiating legal action as per the client’s instructions.

Legal Notices to Government Officers Made Easy – Rely on Our Expertise for Clear Solutions!

Legal Notice Format (Section 80 CPC)




Ref. No. ________

Dated: ________



[Name and Address of the Public Officer]

[Government Department/Entity]


Dear Sir,

Under instructions and on behalf of my client [CLIENT NAME], [DESCRIPTION], resident of [ADDRESS], I hereby give you notice as follows:

1 That [Statement of Cause of Action]…

[Continue with detailed content as per the specific case]

A copy of this legal notice is retained in my office for further necessary action.


Serving a legal notice under Section 80 CPC is a crucial step when contemplating legal action against the Government or a public officer. This process, when executed meticulously, sets the groundwork for potential legal proceedings while allowing an opportunity for the concerned parties to reevaluate their legal position and potentially resolve the matter amicably. Always seek professional legal advice for the specific nuances of your case.

Mandatory Nature of Legal Notice Serving

While mandatory for cases involving the Government or public officers, the practice of serving a legal notice is widespread in various civil cases. Although not legally obligatory in all instances, sending a legal notice is customary, signalling the sender’s final attempt at amicable resolution before considering legal recourse.


Section 80 notices play a crucial role in fostering pre-litigation resolution and upholding the principles of justice. Adhering to the essentials and procedures outlined in this section ensures the effectiveness of such legal communications. Always consult with a legal professional to navigate this process accurately.

Frequently Asked Questions on Legal Notices to Government Officers or Employees

Q1. What is the purpose of serving a legal notice under Section 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), 1908?  

Ans1. The primary purpose is to provide an opportunity for the government or a public officer to reconsider their legal position and offer compensation before initiating legal action against them.

Q2. When is it mandatory to serve a legal notice under Section 80 of the CPC?  

Ans2. It is mandatory to serve a legal notice under Section 80 before filing a lawsuit against the government or a public officer for any act done in the course of official duty.

Q3. What information should be included in a legal notice under Section 80?  

Ans3. The notice should include the name, description, and place of residence of the sender, a clear statement of the cause of action, the relief claimed, and a summary of the legal basis for the relief.

Q4. Is it necessary to serve a legal notice in all civil cases?  

Ans4. No, it is not mandatory to serve a legal notice in all civil cases. However, it is a common practice to serve a notice before filing a civil suit to indicate a final attempt at resolving the matter amicably.

Q5. What happens if a legal notice is not served before filing a suit against the government or a public officer?  

Ans5. Failure to serve a legal notice under Section 80 can result in the dismissal of the lawsuit. The court may not entertain the suit unless the mandatory notice period has elapsed.

Q6. Can a legal notice be served in regional languages, or is English preferred?  

Ans6. While legal notices can be served in any Indian language, English is commonly preferred for better understanding and compliance.

Q7. What is the significance of the two-month notice period mentioned in Section 80?  

Ans7. The two-month notice period allows the government or public officer to review the allegations, reconsider their legal position, and potentially offer compensation or resolution before facing legal action.

Q8. Is there any specific format for drafting a legal notice under Section 80?  

Ans8. While there is no rigid format, a legal notice should adhere to clarity and include essential details as required by Section 80, such as the sender’s details, cause of action, relief claimed, and legal basis.

Q9. Can a legal professional draft and send the notice on behalf of the sender?  

Ans9. Yes, it is common for legal professionals, such as advocates, to draft and send legal notices on behalf of the sender to ensure legal accuracy and compliance.

Q10. What remedies are available if the government or public officer does not respond to the legal notice?  
Ans10. If there is no response within the notice period, the sender can proceed to file a civil suit against the government or public officer, seeking the relief claimed in the legal notice.

Consult Our Legal Team for Section 80 Notices and Government Legal Matters. Get Expert Guidance Now!

Adv. Priyanka Sampathy

Adv. Priyanka Sampathy


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Priyanka Sampathy is a legal consultant who prioritises ethical and professional conduct while striving to achieve desired outcomes. With over 15 years of independent practice, she has significant expertise in handling legal cases. Her exceptional communication skills enable her to express arguments in a clear and persuasive manner, both in writing and verbally, in Hindi, English, and Telugu.

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