Plant Patent: Protecting New Plant Varieties

by  Adv. Rupa K.N  




3 mins


Plant Patent -min


  • A plant patent is an intellectual property protection that prevents others from buying, using, or copying a novel and distinctive plant’s essential traits. By barring rivals from using the plant, a plant patent can assist an innovator in securing higher income during the duration of the patent protection.
  • In 1930, the US became the first nation to enact IP protection for plant varieties (i.e., plant patents), which only applied to asexually generated plants. By the 1960s, some European nations passed laws and signed MoUs protecting plant breeders’ rights. Sexually reproduced variations were shown to be uniform and stable enough to be covered by these laws. 
  • On December 24, 1970, the United Nations adopted a resolution that covered plants that have been propagated both sexually and asexually.

India’s stance over Plant Patents

The plant variety bill for granting plant patents was introduced in December 1999 to begin the parliamentary procedure before the TRIP’s implementation deadline of January 1, 2001. From that point on, the development of India’s sui generis plant variety protection can be traced back to that year.

This drought was far from complete. It was just a bill protecting the rights of plant breeders through plant patents. Following several hearings in 2000, the parliamentary committee ultimately significantly revised the measure and added a crucial chapter on farmers’ rights by providing provisions for getting plant patents.

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Are You Struggling With Protecting New Plant Varieties? Get Expert Legal Advice And Counseling Today!

What is the objective of passing the Protection of Plant Variety & Farmers Rights Act?

The Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Rights Act, 2001 (PPV & FR Act) was passed by the Indian Parliament to provide an effective system for safeguarding plant variations, farmers’ and plant breeders’ rights, and the creation and propagation of novel plant varieties. On October 30, 2001, the President of India approved this patent law.

The PPV & FR Act 2001 was passed to give plant breeders, researchers, and farmers who have created any new or existing plant varieties intellectual property rights. The PPV & FR Act of 2001 grants a dual intellectual property right, one for the array and the other for the denomination that the breeder has given it. Only the registration of a plant variety confers the heritable and transferable rights afforded by this Act. This Act also allows for the registration of new or existing Essentially Derived Varieties (EDV).

What are the eligibility criteria for registering under the PPV & FR Act?

A variety to be registered as a plant patent must satisfy the requirements of novelty, distinctiveness, uniformity, and stability in order to be eligible for registration (NDUS)

  • The Novel refers to the fact that the propagating or harvested material of that variety has not before been sold or otherwise disposed of for exploitation in India or outside of India before one year;
  • Distinctive: denotes that it is not the same as other plants, at least not in terms of its fundamental traits;
  • All plants of the variety must be uniform, with the possible exception of minor variances due to the unique characteristics of its propagation;
  • Stable refers to the ability of the plants’ subsequent generations to maintain the same fundamental quality, characteristic, and composition without change.

Consult With Our Experts For Accurate Guidance And Ensure Compliance With The Protecting New Plant Varieties

What is the period of registration as a plant patent under the PPV & FR Act?

For each of the variations listed below, the period of registered varieties’ protection (plant patent) varies from:

  • 18 years for vines and trees
  • 15 years for other varieties and 
  • Fifteen years for existing varieties from the date of notification of such variety by the Central Government pursuant to Section 5 of the Seeds Act, 1966. 

Who can make an application for plant patent registration under the PPV&FR Act?

Any of the following can submit a variety of registration applications:

a) Anybody claiming to be the variety’s breeder or

b) Any successor to the variety’s breeder or

c) Any individual who holds the right to submit such an application as the assignee of the variety’s breeder or

d) Any farmer, farming community, or group of farmers claiming to be the variety’s breeder or

e) Any person designated under paragraphs (a) to (d) who is permitted appropriately by that person to apply on his behalf or

f) Any agricultural institution or university that receives public funding and claims to have bred the variety.

What is the procedure for the registration of plant patents under the PPV&FR Act?

The new plant variety may first be accepted by the Registrar as being registrable, in which case he will direct the publishing of the application and any enclosures, including any photographs and drawings, inviting comments. The Registrar will direct registration of the novel plant variety in favour of the applicant after affording the objectors and the applicant a fair opportunity to be heard.

The opposition proceedings are a significant component of the registration of new plant variety proceedings. Here, all of the concerns regarding the new plant variety’s eligibility, as well as the barriers to registration, including those involving the public interest, are taken into account. Get online legal advice for registering your plant patent under the Act. 

Rights associated with Plant Patents granted by the Act

  • Breeders’ Rights: The protected variety may only be produced, sold, marketed, distributed, imported, or exported by breeders. Breeders may designate an agent or licensee and pursue a civil remedy in the event that their rights are violated.
  • Researchers’ Rights: Under the Act, researchers may conduct experiments or conduct research using any of the registered varieties. This includes using a variety as a starting point for the development of another variety, but repeated use requires prior consent from the registered breeder.
  • Agriculture Rights: Similarly to a breeder of a variety, a farmer who has created or produced a novel variety is entitled to registration and protection.

Don't Let Your Plant Varieties Go Unprotected! Get Expert Plant Patent Registration Services Now


The discussion clearly shows that the Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Rights Act, 2001, has not taken off in India the way that it has in developed nations. Indian legislation is the first in the world to give farmers official rights without endangering their independence. This legislation’s departure from the standards established by the union for the preservation of novel plant types is noteworthy and encouraging (UPOV).

The PPV & FR Act 2001 was passed by Parliament in an effort to safeguard breeder rights while also taking farmers’ interests into consideration. However, the Act’s implementation has not been very successful, and farmers need to be made aware of their rights in order to fully benefit from it. Always Consult Legal Authorities for Patent Filing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is a Plant Patent?

Ans1. A Plant Patent protects new and distinctive plant varieties. It prevents others from copying, selling, or using the plant’s key characteristics.

Q2. When were Plant Patents introduced?

Ans2. The US introduced the first Plant Patent system in 1930, initially for asexually reproduced plants.

Q3. What is the Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers’ Rights (PPV&FR) Act?

Ans3. The PPV&FR Act (2001) is an Indian law protecting plant breeders, researchers, and farmers’ rights for new plant varieties.

Q4. What are the objectives of the PPV&FR Act?

Ans4. The Act aims to:

  • Protect plant varieties (novel and existing)
  • Secure plant breeders’ and farmers’ rights
  • Encourage new plant variety development

Q5. What are the criteria for registering a Plant Patent?

Ans5. A plant variety must be:

  • Novel (not commercially available in India or elsewhere within the last year)
  • Distinct (clearly different from other varieties)
  • Uniform (all plants share similar characteristics)
  • Stable (these characteristics are maintained in subsequent generations)

Q6. How long does a Plant Patent last?

Ans6. Plant Patent protection varies:

  • 18 years for vines and trees
  • 15 years for other varieties
  • 15 years for existing varieties (from notification date)

Q7. Who can apply for a Plant Patent?

Ans7. Breeders, successors, assignees, farmers, research institutions, and universities can apply.

Q8. What is the Plant Patent registration process?

Ans8. The application is reviewed, published, and open for opposition. The Registrar grants registration after considering objections.

Q9. What rights do Plant Patents provide?

Ans9. Breeders’ rights include:

  • Exclusive production, sale, marketing, and distribution of the protected variety.
  • Taking legal action against infringement.

Q10. How successful has the PPV&FR Act been?

Ans10. The Act’s implementation hasn’t been as successful as anticipated. Farmer awareness and education are crucial for better utilization.

Varieties of plants can be registered as an IP to protect them from infringement. To know more about the process of registering your plant patent get online advice.

Adv. Rupa K.N

Adv. Rupa K.N


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Advocate Rupa K.N, with over 24 years of independent practice, specialises in providing legal expertise, advice and guidance to a broad range of customers. Having been practising law independently for several years after doing her B.A. LLB from Bangalore University and PGDM from the National Institute of Personnel Management.

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