How to Choose a Company Name?

by  Adv. Abhijeet Sawant  




3 mins


how to choose company name

When creating a new firm or a partnership firm, entrepreneurs must bear in mind hundreds of factors, from the logo to the product to the packaging. However, how to choose a company name may be the most significant of all.

We are here to assist you if you’re unsure about what to call your company or how to choose a company name, or if you simply want to make sure your selected name meets all the criteria.

In this post, we will discuss our top advice on how to choose a company name and reveal a secret approach to generate a large number of business name ideas quickly.

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9 Tips on how to choose a company name

Your company name may be almost anything you like. So, as long as it is legal and not in use, you are okay to go. However, there are a number of recommended practices on which the majority of legal and marketing professionals agree on how to choose a company name.

The following recommendations on how to choose a company name will ensure that your company or your partnership firm gets off to the greatest possible start.

  1. Confirm that the company’s name is not copy-written or trademarked.
  • The search for “how to choose a company name” begins with ensuring that it does not violate any copyrights or trademarks. 
  • Copyright and trademark records are accessible online. I would suggest going one step further and ensure that your brand name can be trademarked. 
  • In the end, you never know what the future will bring, and you might start searching for a lawyer online to solve your issues.
  • Even if you want to run your firm on a small scale, you need to ensure that you can copyright and protect your brand. 
  1. Confirm that the proposed business name is available.
  • This is a no-brainer, but it bears mentioning. Ideally, your business’s name will be distinct and not utilized by any other company. 
  • At the absolute least, other organizations in your field should not use it in any manner.
  • A fast Google search might assist you in knowing how to choose a company name that is unique from others. 
  • If any results or domains indicate that another firm is already using your name as a business name or the name of one of their products, it’s time to start again.
  1. Ensure the Company Name Is Descriptive
  • You want people to understand what your company performs just by hearing its name. 
  • You do not need to know anything about MakeMyTrip or Burger King to recognize that they are in the tourism sector and sell hamburgers, respectively. 
  • Therefore, think creatively on how to choose a company name. However, avoid being overly specific so that your name becomes tedious. 
  1. Ensure that the corresponding domain name is available
  • The 4th step to know how to choose a company name is by ensuring that the corresponding domain name is available. Creating a stunning company name is just the beginning. Verify that the corresponding domain name is accessible before committing to it.
  • If so, purchase it.
  • If not, you might explore a different company name. Having a domain name that is a perfect fit for your brand may be quite beneficial, especially for SEO.
  • If you have your heart set on a certain name, all is not lost. There are a number of options available if your desired domain name is unavailable. 
  • Including additional words or a longer version of your brand’s name in your URL is becoming more frequent.

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  1. Be Original
  • This is your opportunity to embrace your inner copywriter and allow your creativity and imagination to run wild. 
  • The answer to “how to choose a company name” is simple. Just be yourself. Be original. 
  • Do not fear inventing anything. Seventy-two percent (72%) of the finest brand names consist of made-up words or acronyms.
  • There are many causes for this. Existing terms already have meaning for many of your prospective clients. 
  • You must determine if this is a positive or negative development. Second, rivals may use the same or similar terms.
  1. Do Not Select a Company Name That Is Difficult to Pronounce or Spell
  • You will want your brand name to be easily recognized by everyone. The 6th step to know “how to choose a company name” is by not selecting a name that is difficult to pronounce or spell.
  • Although rearranging letters or eliminating vowels from popular terms may appear stylish, it does not help buyers locate your company online. 
  • If clients cannot simply search for your company after hearing its name phonetically, you will likely lose leads. You’ll also spend considerable time explaining your URL to consumers.
  1. Solicit Opinions Regarding the Business Name before Making It Official
  • Before committing to a company name, test it on your friends and family, and also, you can consult with a lawyer online and get their input. 
  • Even if you believe you’ve examined your name from every perspective, there’s a possibility you’ve overlooked anything.
  • If you are still undecided about how to choose a company name, provide individuals with a shortlist of your options and ask them to choose their favorite. 
  • If everyone agrees on the same name, you may have discovered your new moniker.
  1. Select a Company Name That Is Not Accidentally Offensive
  • Another step to know “how to choose a company name” is by ensuring that your company’s name does not have an unfavorable translation in another language or as a slang word.
  • No respectable company owner would disrespect prospective consumers. Despite this, many firms do so unknowingly due to their company names.
  • Even if your company name is not offensive in your own nation, it does not always imply it is not objectionable elsewhere. Any linguistic or cultural barriers might signal bad news for businesses seeking international expansion.
  • It has never been simpler to determine if your company name is insulting. Simply visit and submit your preferred name. The website will rapidly identify any possible problems.
  1. Keep It Simple and Easily Recallable
  • The last step to know “how to choose a company name” is by keeping the name simple and easily recallable. Long, intricate company names are undesirable. 
  • The more concise, memorable, and catchy your name is, the better. 
  • Try to keep your URL under 20 characters and avoid mixing more than three terms.

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It is important to know how to choose a company name because the name you choose may affect your SEO, brand recognition, and consumer impression. Would Google be where it is now if it were once known as Backrub? I don’t believe so. 

The business environment is getting more competitive, and a memorable company name may help your brand stand out. If required, use a company name generator. Ensure that your company name is conducive to long-term expansion.

Having a company name that is not trademarked is exposed to theft. One must trademark their company name to avoid discrepancies in the future. To trademark your company name, consult a professional lawyer.

Adv. Abhijeet Sawant

Adv. Abhijeet Sawant


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Abhijeet Sawant is an advocate who has been offering ethical and professional legal consultancy and advisory services with a focus on achieving desired outcomes. With 7 years of independent practice, He possesses significant expertise in handling legal cases. Abhijeet completed his degree from the University of Mumbai and has been practising law independently ever since.

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