Daughters’ Inheritance Rights in India: Equal Share in Mother’s Property

by  Adv. Deepak Pandey  




3 mins


daughter right in mother property


In India, a married daughter has the same rights of inheritance as an unmarried daughter’s rightto the mother’s property.This means that she is entitled to a share in the property equally with her brothers and other legal heirs. However, the distribution of the property is subject to the provisions of the Hindu Succession Act of 1956. In case there is a will, the distribution of property as per the will is considered final.

What is the amendment of married daughters’ rights in the mother’s property?

The latest amendment of married daughters’ rights in mother’s property in India is the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, which grants daughters equal rights with sons in the inheritance of their parent’s property. This amendment applies to all Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs and overrides any customary or personal laws to the contrary.

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What is the daughter in law rights on the mother in law property?

In India, a daughter-in-law does not have any inherent rights in her mother-in-law’s property. She is not considered a legal heir under the Hindu Succession Act of 1956 and is not entitled to inherit the property automatically. However, if the mother-in-law wishes to leave her property to her daughter-in-law, she can do so by making a will. The will must be in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Succession Act and should be legally valid.

Do daughters have rights on their mother’s ancestral property?

In India, a daughter has the right to inherit her mother’s ancestral property. Ancestral property is defined as property that has been passed down from one generation to another in the family for a specified number of generations. According to the Hindu Succession Act of 1956, a daughter has equal inheritance rights as a son in her mother’s ancestral property. This means that she is entitled to a share in the ancestral property equally with her brothers. However, it’s important to note that the property must be divided equally among all legal heirs, including both sons and daughters. In case there is a will, the distribution of property as per the will is considered final.

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What are the property rights of the daughter regarding self-acquired property?

Daughters have equal rights to their mother’s self-acquired property in India. According to the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act 2005, a daughter has the same rights as a son in her mother’s self-acquired property. This applies to both property that was acquired before and after the amendment came into effect. In case of a dispute, the matter may have to be settled in court.

What are the property rights of the daughter in law regarding self-acquired property?

A daughter-in-law in India does not have any inherent rights to her mother-in-law’s self-acquired property. She can only inherit the property if she is specifically named as a beneficiary in her mother-in-law’s will. If the mother-in-law dies intestate, meaning without a will, the daughter-in-law is not entitled to inherit any portion of her self-acquired property. In such cases, the property will be divided among the mother-in-law’s legal heirs as per the provisions of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956.

Breaking Stereotypes: Daughters in India Can Inherit Equally from Their Mother's Property


In India, daughters have equal inheritance rights as sons under the Hindu Succession Act of 1956. This means that a daughter has the right to inherit her parent’s property equally with her brothers. However, it’s important to note that the property must be divided equally among all legal heirs, including both sons and daughters. In case there is a will, the distribution of property as per the will is considered final. In case of a dispute, he lawyer can assist you and help you settle the matter.

Frequently asked questions about sale deeds and conveyance deeds in India

Q 1. Are daughters entitled to an equal share of their mother’s property in India?

Ans. Yes, daughters have the right to an equal share of their mother’s property in India. As per the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, daughters have the same rights as sons in ancestral property. This applies to both ancestral properties that was acquired before the amendment and property acquired after the amendment came into effect.

Q 2. Can a mother disinherit her daughter from her property?

Ans. No, a mother cannot disinherit her daughter from her property. The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act of 2005 ensures that daughters have the same rights as sons on their mother’s property and cannot be disinherited. legal rights of daughter on mother’s property can be claimed.

Q 3. What happens to a daughter’s share in the property if the mother dies intestate?

Ans. If the mother dies intestate, meaning without a will, the daughter is entitled to an equal share in her property. The property will be divided equally among all her legal heirs, including her daughters.

Q 4. Can a daughter claim her share in the property if her mother has willed it differently?

Ans. A daughter right in property cannot be ignored and shecan claim her share in the property even if her mother has willed it differently. However, the matter may have to be settled in court. The court may consider the provisions of the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, as well as other relevant laws and circumstances in making its decision.

Q 5. What documents does a daughter need to prove her share in her mother’s property?

Ans. A daughter should have a copy of the property’s title deeds and her mother’s will if any. She may also need to produce other relevant documents such as birth certificates, proof of identity, and proof of relationship with the mother. In case of a dispute, a court may ask for additional documents and evidence.

A lawyer can help a daughter in securing the right of a daughter in mother's property by providing legal advice and guidance on the provisions of the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, and other relevant laws. The lawyer can assist in the resolution of any disputes that may arise and represent the daughter in court, if necessary, to ensure that her rights are protected and upheld.

Adv. Deepak Pandey

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