Super Easy Ways To Learn Everything About Copyright Registration and Protection

by  Adv. Abhijeet Singh  




3 mins


copyright registration

In a modern world where people can make money so easily, everything has got certain standards and regulations governing its exploitation and utility to the public. From songs to scriptwriting, Thanks to copyright laws, everything is protected these days. Indian copyright laws, for once, are parity with international regulations; all the amendments that have been done in the Indian copyright laws are following trips. There have been many laws implemented for the protection of Properties that have industrial applications and have some sort of utility in them. Copyright is one such law that protects the work related to creativity and artistic abilities. It enables the holder of copyright to enjoy his whole and sole ownership in this regard and can commercially and morally exploit it.

What can be regarded as one of the basic sources of copyright law?

The current Copyright Act 1957 is thoroughly supported by The Berne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic work to which India is the party. Where there are many treaties and conventions of which India is a part of include the Geneva Convention, what universe is a populated convention, what intellectual property organization United Nations education scientific and cultural organization. Being a signatory to such prestige convention and treaties what brings a lot of load and responsibility which forces India to inculcate these global laws in its territorial laws as well. So these treaties and conventions can be regarded as one of the basic sources from which where Indian copyright law are has been drafted.

Safeguard Your Creative Work With Our Expert Copyright Registration Services. We Ensure Your Intellectual Property Is Protected

Different types of work that are protected under copyright?

Works protected under copyright include:

  • Literary work
  • All the work that is related to printing or writing and what is an expression of someone’s thought, irrespective of the style or quality of writing, comes under this head. What works that include poetry and prose come under the ambit of literary work. One cannot claim a copyright infringement under this head if a third party is using their work solely for education purposes.

    • Dramatic works

    Any chorographic recreation which involves pieces of recitation, mime, Scenic arrangement, or portrayal of any story in the form of acting and drama comes into this head. Under this head, that particular act will be protected, not the book from which it has been taken or the cinematographic effects that have been used in that particular act. Copyright is given to a singular product. If they are seeking copyright for the song and cinematographic effect, then they need to apply it under a different head.

  • Musical work
  • Under this head, background score music and graphical connotations are protected. Musical work copyright can be asked for the musical part of it, not the acting or different connotations that go with it. The copyright owner has to apply for different copyright for the words written, spoken, and which are underperformance with that kind of music. As far as protection for music is concerned, there’s no hard and fast rule that music needs to be in the written form. Any recording that is presented in front of the corporate office is eligible for seeking protection.

  • Artistic work
  • Under this head, all the painters, sculptures, and photographers can seek protection for their work. Any architectural paintings, sculpture drawing, or engraving is eligible to seek protection under this head. The main purpose of protecting this head is to protect the craftsmanship of that individual.

  • Cinematographic films
  • Any visual recording where a set of series images is used to portray a story or that is used with a different set of properties such as song comes under the said. Here the video clip of visual alone will be called a cinematograph, and that cinematograph will be eligible for seeking protection under this head.

    Turn Your Creativity Into A Protected Asset. Our Comprehensive Copyright Registration Services Help You Secure Your Rights

    Why is it important to get your Copyright Registered?

    The reason why one must seek Copyright Protection is as listed below:

    • It enables reproducion of their work in a legitimate manner
    • Helps in the public performance of their musical or dramatic work
    • Ensure making legitimate copies in the form of cassettes and sell them for commercial purposes
    • Helps in earning money in the form of broadcast
    • It also enables translate their work into different forms.

    What is the duration of Copyright Protection, and why is Registration important?

    Generally, corporate protection is the first from the country to country, but when it comes to India, it is granted for the lifetime of the author plus 60 years from the year he or she dies.

    The reason why when was seek the protection of copyright with the help of registration is that it helps in increasing the deterrence factor. Copyright registration fees in India are quite minimal, and the process involved in getting your copyright registered is very user-friendly. All this is done to encourage people to get their corporate registered and claim compensation for any breach or infringement in this department.

    Trust Us To Guide You Through The Copyright Registration Process. We're Here To Help You Protect Your Artistic Abilities


    Copyright provides economic and moral rights to the owner of the property who has invested his heart or soul into his product. What like other properties that are protected under patent, even this property that involves intellect, and artistic ability should be protected. The copyright in India has always been understood in the traditional sense, but now with the commercial use of artwork, this has been broadened, and a more modern approach has been inculcated in this area. Copyright has enabled people to express themselves more fluently, and hence it should be promoted.

    Your creation in pictures, words or video is your baby. Protect your work by ensuring it is under copyright. Consult a lawyer specializing in Intellectual property & copyrights.

    Adv. Abhijeet Singh

    Adv. Abhijeet Singh


    4.7 | 120+ User Reviews

    Abhijeet Singh is an advocate who has been offering ethical and professional legal consultancy and advisory services with a focus on achieving desired outcomes. With 7 years of independent practice, He possesses significant expertise in handling legal cases. Abhijeet completed his degree from the University of Mumbai and has been practising law independently ever since.

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